Saturday, February 7, 2009

Life, Scripted 101

What’s this all about?

Haven gotten my feet wet in the wide world of blogging—if you haven’t checked out Grace the Spot do so ASAP—I’ve recently decided to dive in and kick it up notch. Yes, ladies, that’s right. I’m running a blog of my very own.

Now, as you’re well aware, there’s a million and one different types of blogs out. Journals. Photo-blogs. Political blogs. Essays. And each is equally enjoyable in their own right. But what I’ve come to notice is that there’s a strong lacking of blogs dedicated to the fine art of screenwriting.

So, I’m attempting to fill that void and return to my roots. I mean I didn’t get that BFA in Writing for Film and Television for nothing, right?

How the heck do I read this?

Read it just like you would any old play or script. Sure, I’ve deviated from the standard screenplay format. No Courier New. No Final Draft. Centering instead of Align Left. But in essence it’s a script.

Real or fiction?

A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B. Some scenes are pulled directly from my life, some are purely fiction, and some are a nice mixture of both. It’s up to you to decide what’s real and what’s not… cause I’ll never tell ;)

Why the nickname?

Ah. The age old question. To use a pen name or not to use one. Although I’m not as anonymous as some of my fellow blogging cohorts, I do prefer to keep some level of secrecy. Besides, it’s easier to be snarky when you aren’t using your own name.

Inner O’Neill?

It’s simple. Everyone has a running commentary in their heads. And mine just happens to be a sarcastic smartass.

Anything else?

Got a pressing question that I didn’t answer here? Shoot me an email at

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